The Building Blocks

Building Blocks icon

In this section:

Strategies for Action


To start transforming your system, you’ll need to get concrete about the specific changes you want to see and which building blocks will help you get where you want to go. What is the specific legislation you want to develop? Which regulations need to be amended? What programs need a makeover? What funding streams need to expand?

The tools below are designed to help you jumpstart your strategy development. Because every community has a unique legal context and process, these steps are guides to help you figure out where to start. Regardless of your building block or strategy, you will need to reach out to people in your community to make sure your approach is appropriate to the local context and existing laws.

Each of these tools walks you through the same process, with specific prompts and activities for each building block:

  • Set your result
  • Assess existing conditions
  • Research new ideas
  • Analyze equity impacts
  • Name your policy change
  • Within this process, the probing questions and activities are specific to the building block.

Use the Building Block Challenges and Where to Start to figure out which building blocks you might want to use. Consider combining multiple building blocks for a comprehensive approach.