Formulate Your Comprehensive Strategy

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In this section:

Quick Wins

Quick Win Indicators

Decision makers are ready to move.

  • Decision makers are aware of systemic factors that cause inequity and use data sets and analysis that surface them to make decisions. Inequities often show up in data as disparities between populations and places, but disparity data alone does not identify the reasons those disparities exist. For that, decision makers need more comprehensive analyses that draw on the expertise of the people experiencing the disparities and contextualize the systemic factors that drive them.
  • The political and cultural winds are at your back. Your issue has public support and there is elected and/or agency leadership that can champion your strategy. Other decision makers either support or will not actively block the process.
  • Your champion decision makers have the authority and jurisdiction to make the changes you need and have prioritized the effort. Changes to programmatic structures or agency procedures often fall into this category. When elected officials champion your issue or fold it into their platforms, it is a good signal your agenda can move forward.

The legal infrastructure is already in place or easy to erect.

  • The law or procedure is already on the books. This means it “just” needs to be implemented, which will entail decision makers or leaders prioritizing funding and implementation.
  • A law at a higher jurisdictional level changes. Changes in state or federal law often create opportunities to advance an initiative or agenda.
  • Changing the interpretation of the law can shift how it is implemented. Often this strategy is not a short-term solution because it involves courts and lawsuits. But in some cases, advocates can hire lawyers or work with a city’s legal department to change how agencies interpret legislation, which can lead to new ways of implementing it.

The organizational infrastructure is already in place or easy to erect.

  • The agency, program, or initiative has the budget and staffing to advance the change or can reallocate or raise funds for it.
  • The programmatic or agency staff have developed the internal infrastructure to implement a law or procedure in a new way and are in a better position to advocate for additional resources.

The messaging is clear, and the political will is in place.

  • Critical decision makers generally agree upon the problem and solution.
  • Their messaging and communications are clearly in line with your expectations. Watch out for muddled communication and double check the details.